Wisdom teeth extraction Hamilton CA
At our dental practice, City Smiles Dental, we are very happy to offer complete dental care for patients of all ages. There are many reasons why a patient may need to have
wisdom teeth extraction Hamilton CA, as wisdom teeth can develop many different types of problems while they are attempting to erupt.
Since wisdom teeth are the last teeth in the mouth to erupt, they often encounter problems at this time since there may simply not be enough room left in the patient’s mouth for this to occur. Since wisdom teeth are not needed so that a patient can completely chew his or her food, or for clear speech, if wisdom teeth are causing any type of problem, they are extracted. A wisdom tooth may become impacted underneath the gums or jawbone. When this is the case, they can become extremely painful. The way to alleviate this tooth pain is to immediately extract the wisdom teeth. At our office, we performed both simple and surgical extractions while our patients remain comfortable due to our use of local anesthesia. Sometimes wisdom teeth will attempt to come in sideways in an effort to find room to erupt into. This dental situation definitely needs to be corrected with wisdom teeth extraction Hamilton CA. There are even times when a wisdom tooth will begin to erupt, and then will simply stop. When this occurs, a gap is left between the teeth and gums. This gap can become the perfect breeding ground for oral infections as all materials can gather in this location at the rear of the mouth; this situation also calls for tooth extraction. Wisdom teeth may also end up pushing other permanent teeth out of position when they come in. This means that your wisdom teeth may actually disrupt the appearance of your smile, or cause disruption to completed orthodontic work.
For an appointment to meet with our dentist regarding
wisdom teeth extraction Hamilton CA, contact us today. If you are experiencing dental pain, let us know that you need an immediate appointment.
By City Smiles Dental
June 29, 2017
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